Saturday, September 21, 2024

Website updates 9/21/24

 The hyperfixation has waned but the fixation is still there, lol.

I've updated the about page, the comics page, and added a resume page listing all my current and completed works.

The plan is to eventually ditch carrd and just use neocities for my website/portfolio. Carrd has been nice but it's really limited with what I can do visually, where as neocities, while I don't know much about coding, I know enough and have looked up what I don't know and it's already miles beyond what I was able to do with my carrd site.

All I've got left as far as building the site is to flesh out the links page, fix a couple things in the gallery, and figure out what the heck I wanna do with the home page.

I wanna add some more art to the site, but everything I want to add needs to be drawn so I likely won't get to any of that until maybe this winter. I've just got too much on my plate for autumn with 3 zines on top of normal comic stuff so I'm not expecting much wiggle room until like... late November after all my zine deadlines + recovery time.

That's it for now, I'll check back in when I make more updates to the site~

Friday, September 20, 2024

Back in the Groove

 Sure has been a while, huh?

I feel like whenever I start these new website-y endeavors some shit happens that knocks me on my butt for a good chunk of time. And so, here I am, dusting off this barely-used blog after over a year.

I'm reviving it largely because I'm building a new website for myself on Neocities, and thought integrating my posts from here would be a good way to keep an active blog on the new site (somewhat). It's just a widget so clicking on any post will open a new tab to the main post here, but until I can figure out something else this will suffice.

So what's been going on with me?

A lot, actually.

My mom passed away last year (which is a large part of why I haven't touched this place since I first set it up). My partner and I have moved 3 times in the last 14 months. We've adopted another cat. I got a new-to-me car. I've applied to and been rejected from several potential promotions at work. I started another webcomic in addition to Saffron Wave. I got accepted into 3 zines that all have a very similar timeline so I'm crazy busy this autumn (why am I like this). Saffron Wave got accepted into the SpiderForest Webcomic Collective so it also has a shiny new site. And I'm building a new website for myself for my portfolio & stuff.

Somehow I've managed to keep my head above water and keep everything under control.

Now that I've built enough of the website that the hyperfixation has released me, I can get back to work on the 3 thousand comics I have to draw by the end of October. I'll update things here periodically, I've got too much on my plate right now to even thing about blogging on a regular schedule.